When you place an order with us |
Your name, invoice address, delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address along with the items you've ordered and any (optional) password you chose to set with us. |
- To allow us to fulfil your order.
- To perform fraud checks on your order and your future orders to ensure your orders are genuine.
- To comply with tax and accountancy laws relating to record keeping.
- To allow you to easily see a list of your previous orders.
- To allow us to help you if you return a product to us or need more information or support about a product or order you've placed.
- To allow us to issue refunds to you.
- In case there is a product recall that we need to inform you about.
- To allow you to place future orders more easily.
- To subscribe you to our e-mail newsletters, unless you object to this and to customise the offers and marketing information we send to be more tailored to you (also see the section below, about when you subscribe to our email newsletters). |
- Our suppliers that run the secure servers that power our web site (to allow us to obtain and use your data).
- Our payment system providers, including our bank (to allow us to take your payment and verify your order is genuine).
- Our courier(s) to allow them to deliver your order.
- Our product suppliers where a product is being delivered directly from one of our supplier's warehouses, to allow them to dispatch your product(s). |
We plan to keep this data for as long as is necessary in order to ensure we can continue to fulfil the items listed in "The purpose" column. |
We will not be able to fulfil your order, offer you a refund, give you product recall information, or fulfil any of the other items set out in "The purpose" column. |
Your payment details, including where applicable: any refund information, your card details, details sent to us from PayPal or other payment intermediary and your card address. |
- To perform fraud checks on your order and your future orders to ensure your orders are genuine.
- To allow us to take payment from you.
- To allow us to issue refunds to you.
- To allow you to place future orders more easily.
- To comply with tax and accountancy laws relating to record keeping. |
- Our suppliers that run the secure servers that power our web site (to allow us to obtain and use your data).
- Our payment system providers, including our bank (to allow us to take your payment and verify your order is genuine). |
We plan to keep this data for as long as is necessary, in order to ensure we can continue to fulfil the items listed in "The purpose" column, with the exception of full card details (except the last 4 digits which are kept for fraud prevention reasons) which are removed 13 months after they are last used. |
We may be unable to fulfil your order, and/or your future orders. We may be unable to issue refunds to you. |
How you found our web site, along with the date and time and your IP address and the web browser and/or type of device you used to place the order. |
- For fraud prevention purposes – to ensure your order and your future orders are genuine.
- For statistical purposes to allow us to see how effective our advertising and marketing is (helping us to have a more informed approach to future advertising and marketing). |
Our suppliers that run the secure servers that power our web site (to allow us to obtain and use your data) and help to run our advertising. |
We plan to keep this data for as long as is necessary, in order to ensure we can continue to fulfil the items listed in "The purpose" column. |
We may be unable to fulfil your order, and/or your future orders. |
Which pages of our web site you have looked at, along with the date and time and your IP address and the web browser and/or type of device you used to place the order. |
- To allow us to tailor product recommendations, offers and other marketing to you to make it more interesting/targeted.
- For statistical purposes to allow us to see how effective our advertising and marketing is (helping us to have a more informed approach to future advertising and marketing). |
Our suppliers that run the secure servers that power our web site (to allow us to obtain and use your data) and help to run our advertising. |
24 months, after which we will only store this data in an aggregated, statistical format that will render the kept data completely unidentifiable. |
We will not be able to tailor the information we send to you as effectively. |
If you clicked an advert to find our site, we may also store which of our advert(s) you clicked on, the date and time you clicked our advert, your approximate estimated location at the time you clicked, the weather at the time you clicked. |
- For statistical purposes to allow us to see how effective our advertising and marketing is (helping us to have a more informed approach to future advertising and marketing). |
Our suppliers that run the secure servers that power our web site (to allow us to obtain and use your data) and help to run our advertising. |
24 months, after which we will only store this data in an aggregated, statistical format that will render the kept data completely unidentifiable. |
No consequences to you. |
When you subscribe to our e-mail newsletters |
Your email address, the date and time you subscribed and how you subscribed. |
- To send you details of special offers, new products, and other general marketing information.
- To allow you to unsubscribe from our email newsletter service at any time. |
The suppliers of the software and service that allows us to technically send e-mails to you. |
We plan to keep this data for as long as is necessary in order to send you e-mails, or in the case that you may have requested we no longer send you emails, in order to ensure that you don't receive any future marketing emails from us. |
We will no longer send you marketing emails, but if we don't store your email address and you place a future order with us, you will then start to receive marketing emails again. The best way to ensure you do not receive marketing emails from us is to use the "unsubscribe" link within one of the emails we have sent to you. |
Which of our newsletters you have opened, and (if applicable) which areas in our newsletters that you have clicked on. |
- To allow us to tailor product recommendations, offers and other marketing to you to make it more interesting/targeted.
- For statistical purposes to allow us to see how effective our advertising and marketing is (helping us to have a more informed approach to future advertising and marketing). |
The suppliers of the software and service that allows us to technically send e-mails to you. |
24 months, after which we will only store this data in an aggregated, statistical format that will render the kept data completely unidentifiable.
We will not be able to tailor the information we send to you as effectively. |
When you contact us via a form on our web site |
The information that you have entered into the form, your IP address, how you found our web site. |
- In order to respond to and/or fulfil your message/request.
- In order to ensure your message is genuine.
- For statistical purposes to allow us to see how effective our advertising and marketing is (helping us to have a more informed approach to future advertising and marketing). |
Any suppliers necessary in order to fulfil your message/request and check your message is genuine.
Our suppliers that run the secure servers that power our web site (to allow us to obtain and use your data) and help to run our advertising. |
This will depend on the need to keep your information, which will depend on the nature of your message/request. |
We will be unable to fulfil your request or respond to your message. |
When you search for a product |
Your car registration number and postcode |
- To allow us to display compatible parts for your car - To allow us to display available delivery, collection and fitting options |
- Our suppliers that run the secure servers that power our web site (to allow us to obtain and use your data). |
For the duration of your session until the browser is closed |
We may be unable to tailor the information displayed to you and fulfil your order |